[. . . ] Table of Contents Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Accessibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Installing the Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Installing. the. Battery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ] 3) Move. the. cursor. to. select. desired. option. (HIGH. TONE, . NATURAL. TONE, . or. LOW. TONE), . and. then. press. [menu/select]. . Selected. option. appears. in. the. display. for. two. seconds, . and. then. the. display. returns. to. normal. 36 Finding a Lost Handset To. locate. a. misplaced. handset, . press. [int'com]. on. the. base. when. the. phone. is. in. standby. . Use. [ ]. or. [ ]. to. select. the. handset. you. want. to. page, . and. then. press. [menu/select]. . Select. ALL. to. page. all. registered. handsets. . To. cancel. paging, . press. [int'com]. on. the. base. again. Using Hold, Conference and Transfer Placing a Call on Hold Finding a Lost Handset Using Hold, Conference and Transfer ) During. a. call, . press. [clear/int'com]. on. the. handset. or. [int'com]. on. the. base. to. place. the. caller. on. hold. . If. you. leave. a. caller. on. hold. for. more. than. ten. seconds, . the. display. screen. will. read, . Line. On. Hold. 2) To. return. to. the. party. on. hold, . press. [ /flash]. or. [ ]. on. the. handset. or. [ ]. on. the. base. . The. phone. will. return. Once five minutes has passed, that party's line will be disconnected. and. the. phone. will. return. to. standby. ·. While. a. call. is. on. hold, . Caller. ID. and. Call. Waiting. cannot. be. received. Conferencing If. you. have. more. than. one. handset, . up. to. four. people. can. connected. to. the. call. Outside call Handset #2 Handset #1 Base speakerphone 37 Transferring a Call You. can. transfer. a. call. from. one. station. to. another. ) During. a. call, . press. [clear/int'com]. on. the. handset. or. [int'com]. on. the. base. 2) Use. [ ]. or. [ ]. to. select. the. station. you. want. to. transfer. the. call. to, . and. then. press. [menu/select]. . Select. ALL. to. page. all. other. stations. . The. call. will. automatically. be. placed. on. hold, . and. a. paging. tone. sounds. . To. cancel. the. 3) When. another. station. accepts. the. transferred. call, . you. will. be. disconnected. . If. you. want. to. rejoin. the. call, . press. . [ /flash]. or. [ ]. on. the. handset. or. [ ]. on. the. base. again. Using Hold, Conference and Transfer Answering a transferred call When. a. station. receives. a. call. transfer, . it. sounds. a. paging. tone;. stations. also. show. the. ID. of. the. station. that. is. paging. . To. accept. the. call. transfer: ) To. answer. the. page. and. speak. to. the. transferring. station, . press. [ /flash]. or. [clear/int'com]. on. the. handset, . or. . Note:. . If. AutoTalk. is. on, . the. handset. will. automatically. answer. the. page. when. you. pick. up. the. handset. from. the. cradle. . If. Any. Key. Answer. is. on, . you. can. also. press. any. key. on. the. handset's. dial. pad. 2) To. accept. the. call. and. speak. to. the. caller, . press. [ /flash]. on. the. receiving. handset, . or. [ ]. on. the. receiving. 3) When. you. accept. the. transferred. call, . the. transferring. station. will. be. disconnected. Only the first station. to. answer. the. transfer. page. will. be. connected. to. the. call. . If. the. transfer. page. is. not. picked. up. within. one. minute, . the. operation. will. be. canceled. 38 Using Special Features Privacy Mode Privacy. mode. prevents. other. stations. from. interrupting. while. you're. on. a. call. . As. long. as. your. station. is. in. privacy. mode, . other. stations. can't. join. your. call. or. make. any. calls. of. their. own:. their. displays. will. show. UNAVAILABLE. [. . . ] as TV, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, fluorescent lighting, or electrical. storm. . Your. unit. is. NOT. DEFECTIVE. . If. these. noises. reduce. or. eliminate. the. interference. . Precautions! Radio equipment The term "IC:" before the radio certification number only signifies that Industry Canada technical specifications were met. may. not. be. ensured. when. using. this. telephone. " Cordless telephone privacy Cordless. telephones. are. radio. devices. . Communications. using. your. cordless. telephone. may. not. be. private. 60 One Year Limited Warranty Important:. Evidence. of. original. purchase. is. required. for. [. . . ]